An increasing need for workers in the catering and hospitality sector in and around Southampton has led a recruitment agency to open a new desk.
The city’s long-established Berry Recruitment branch covers a number of sectors but the demand for certain roles prompted the new direction. Tommy Hunt is running the desk that provides temporary and permanent roles across the catering and hospitality sector. With Christmas approaching hotels, pubs, bars and restaurants will be looking for people to work over the festive season. Tommy commented:
“The demand has been growing for these types of candidates and with our new app it was an area we were keen to get into. The permanent roles are of the management type - general and duty managers – and the temporary positions are things such as kitchen [porters, bar and waiting staff and assistant chefs."
“Already we have a number of clients from Southampton and the wider conurbation which are gearing up for Christmas and New Year. What has made this new desk work so well is the Berry Recruitment app which clients and candidates can use."
“It makes finding work and getting hired extremely simple and puts power in the hands of the workers.
“The app and the branch working together has made entering the catering and hospitality sector so successful. With Christmas approaching all outlets will be looking for staff, and there will be one-off events that require all manner of staff.”
Max Perceau, who manages the branch, said:
“Our traditional areas are construction, driving, hospitality, industrial, warehouse, office and professional."
“Adding catering and hospitality made sense because there is a high demand for these roles. Providing the workers saves clients a great deal of time and stress, enabling them to run their business or their event. And our candidates know that we will be able to offer jobs that are relevant to their experience and skills.”
Berry Recruitment is part of Berry Recruitment Group that works from around 40 branches in England and Wales and includes the Wild Recruitment brand that has a big branch in Portsmouth.