Many of us will be familiar with the saying, ‘if you keep on doing what you’re doing you’re going to keep on getting what you’re getting!’ In other words, if you do nothing to make changes everything will stay the same!
But oftentimes, as we move through our daily lives much of what we do occurs on auto-pilot. We slip into a familiar routine where things get done, sometimes without our paying much attention. Days, weeks, months and even years can pass by with us hardly noticing, even during those times when we’re drifting uncomfortably along.
It can take a nudge, like a significant birthday, redundancy, divorce or New Year to make us pause and assess our life’s direction. Are we fine with where we’re heading, is this okay, or is now a good time to revisit our thinking and introduce some relevant, life-enhancing changes?
Many people struggle at the thought of New Year’s Resolutions, but they can motivate us to leave the starting block and introduce positive ways to improve our habits and mindset. Joining a national initiative, like Couch to 5k, or Dry January can help us feel less alone, as we connect with others pursuing similar health goals.
Being answerable to someone also helps, perhaps having them monitor our progress or rely on us to turn up. If we engage a coach they’ll need paying whatever we do, a volunteer group may include us on their rota and having those commitments can encourage us to continue maintaining an effort.
Feeling in a rut and living with frequent boredom, frustration, dissatisfaction and even unhappiness can be an important reminder that today is not a dress rehearsal. Many of us lead routine lives, with each day bringing some challenges, but even busy days can allow some scope for adjustment. Being flexible enough to occasionally be spontaneous or make space for something new or different is important.
You'd be sure to find time if someone you really admired, like an important mentor, big movie star or favourite sportsperson wanted to meet you. It would take a major crisis for you to cancel! But sometimes we may start to notice that we’re drifting through life, resulting in nothing of any significance challenging us or being achieved.
This year has been quite tough for many with relentless wet weather and government legislation seriously impacting on several areas of life. But it’s also been positive, with much interest generated, for example in the quality of our food by Jeremy Clarkson and the national ‘No Farmers, No Food’ campaign. Noting that some major decisions have long-term rather than short term implications can prompt us to reflect on how to improve our lives, so making them happier and more fulfilling.
Increasingly, members of the public are choosing to make more informed decisions about what they consume and from whom. They’re becoming more interested in recycling, upcycling, buying healthier, fresh fruit, vegetables and produce from local suppliers, preferring to support independent farm shops rather than frequent supermarkets.
There’s a pithy saying that no one on their death bed ever wished they’d spent more time at work! And yet, for many, establishing a business, a good reputation and career is their major focus once they leave school, college or university. This is the time, too, when thoughts often turn to setting up a home and family.
How much revision to your thinking would it take to move into something fulfilling and satisfying, something that ticks several boxes for you? Planning would be required, but bringing coaches, mentors or collaborators on board could make for an interesting and rewarding change of direction or maybe a new business venture.
Other ways to inspire your career and business choices could be to introduce a side-hustle. Starting something new that runs alongside your existing situation or that can be managed as a part-time interest can be a positive way to reduce financial pressure whilst maintaining enthusiasm about your ultimate goals.
Your personal life may also require an injection of enthusiasm. Scheduling time for shared fun in your relationships, whilst recognising the importance of good communications, investing in mutually supportive company and regularly catching-up with friends, hobbies and interests are all important and could enhance both your home and personal life. Don’t forget to include some quiet time for reading or taking a relaxing walk in nature.
Booking things in your diary can be a way to keep your relationships, friendships and outlook fresh.
Ensure you’re motivated to leave the house, especially if it’s dark or rainy outside. Or, invite people to your home. A good reason to tidy, freshen the place up and maybe introduce bright colours, fabrics and attractive lighting.
As your motivation improves, don’t forget to credit yourself for what you’re achieving. Congratulate yourself, perhaps update your wardrobe as your fitness levels improve and treat yourself well as each day delivers results, however small.
Doing things for yourself, sometimes for no specific reason other than the pleasure it brings can introduce huge benefits to your health and wellbeing. When we revisit our thinking we can start to freshen our mindset and improve our quality of life.
About the Author - This piece was written by Susan Leigh, Counsellor and Hypnotherapist Find out more by visiting her website here