The AFC Sudbury Academy has returned victorious after a 6-day tour in Miami with a big win for the Girls in the U19 bracket after an epic penalty shootout, finishing with a 7-6 win!
As well as the wining girls team, the club also took two boys teams to play in separate competitions at the Enigma Cup, with the backing sponsorship of Sudbury based external shading manufacturer Caribbean Blinds. With 8 staff and 59 Academy students, the costs soon ramp up and the support from Caribbean Blinds enabled the team to benefit from a fully rounded trip.
The family run firm initiated its relationship with AFC Sudbury in October 2019, when it announced its sponsorship of the Girls Academy. They went on to become the sole sponsor of the club’s new and upgraded home and away kit for both men and women’s teams across all age groups.
Academy director Danny Laws commented: “The sponsorship from Caribbean Blinds allowed us to maximise all the opportunities and time we had on tour within budget. An extra trip out to a college or soccer game catering for the 67-person tour party didn’t need worrying about and for that we are very grateful.”
“It was an incredible feeling for the AFC Sudbury Academy to resume its Annual Tour to the USA after two years of the pandemic. It was also fantastic that we were heading to Miami, the destination of the cancelled tour of 2020.”
“Over the last five years, the tour has whetted the appetite for our young players to pursue playing and studying opportunities within the USA Collegiate sports system and enjoy a sporting/university experience unparalleled anywhere in the world.”
Stuart Dantzic, Managing Director at Caribbean Blinds responded: “We actually started our initial sponsorship with AFC Sudbury with the new Girls Academy team back in 2019 so we are thrilled to hear that the girls have brought it home! The US tour is a massive organisation that requires a dedicated team of staff, numerous outings and trips and lots of kit! To be able to help to enable this tour and to give these gifted young players such a life changing opportunity make us incredibly proud.”
The tour itself gives the opportunity to play competitive soccer against American opposition in an exciting tournament structure. For the remainder of the tour, the organisers cram in as many sightseeing and fun activities that help bond the group as well as teach independence, decision making and other valuable memories and life lessons.
The tour also gets players thinking of the opportunities that the USA can bring and impressively, the Academy are graduating 6 of their to USA Colleges this Summer.